Supported Games and Prizes
The Castle will be the launching point for what we envision. Growing up I was enthralled with Midevil Times and the competition between two knights jousting. The most skillful wins the joust and is showered with cheers from their winning side because they got prizes! The Castle will be a form of message board where gamers from around the world will post what game they want to play, a wager, and how many players they would like to have. Any game will be supported; want to challenge others to Fortnite? DONE! Want to see if you are the best at FIFA? DONE! Any game and any console will be supported. Simply, create a post for the game you wish to play and the console preferences. Once a gamer creates a post for the game and console they wish to play they will then pick how much to wager. Wagering will begin as SOL only, but once a player base is established and developers are able to link multiple wallets more currencies will be used. The goal is to incorporate all cryptocurrencies so we will be a truly multichain tournament platform. The amount they wish to wager will be posted and the player will wait for challengers. A challenger will accept the wager and the winner will take home the prize!
Last updated